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I hereby certify that the facts set forth in the application are true and complete, and I agree that you may investigate my statements in order to verify and expand upon the information given. During the application process and at any time during the tenure of employment with Nashua Country Club, I hereby authorize the Club and  Choice Point Work Place Solutions Inc., on behalf of Nashua Country Club, to procure information regarding general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living.  This report may be compiled with information from court record repositories, departments of motor vehicles, past or present employers and education institutions, governmental occupational licensing or registration entities, business or personal references, and any other source required to verify information that I have voluntarily supplied.  I understand that I may request a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the background verification; to the extent such investigation includes information bearing on my character, general reputation, personal characteristics of mode of living. I understand that I fail to answer any question, or if I give misleading or incomplete answers to any questions, that alone is sufficient basis for a failure to hire me, or if I have been hired, that alone is sufficient for my immediate termination.

I further understand that this is an application for employment and that no employment contract is being offered. I agree and acknowledge that should I become employed by the Club my employment can be terminated, with or without cause or notice, at any time by myself or the Club. I have had a full opportunity to ask whatever questions I have about the above statement.

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